Posts Tagged ‘nendoroid’

Saber Lily + Kureha Nendoroid & a Happy New Year!

01 Jan

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8th day of Christmas (sorry no maido san milking ) and a  Happy New Year !

It’s the dawn of a new year and I just made some crazy resolution including “Die Happy” and then I start to wonder if I should even try achieving that one this year!  LOL. Anyhoos, Nekoguchi’s resolution is of cos getting more updates and growing this space! (Monetizing it seems too far fetched for now but I hope to keep everyone’s eyes scrolling for more!) What ever it is, here’s some back dated peektures I took of Kureha and Saber Lily Nendoroid over the X’mas season which were also featured over at Gordonator – cos Neko’s down and so the trooper picked up the kitty and posted it there..

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