Tokyo Life – Part 2

27 Jul

You know it’s Summer here in Tokyo when suddenly the whole state’s super hyped up about festivals. Japan itself boosts quite a number of festivals yearly and the heat of summer ain’t gonna stop the locals from some sort of celebration.

I was blessed enough to attend a few of these festivals and experience some traditional local culture in my short weeks here.

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An Otaku August

22 Jul

It’s gonna be a hell of a month here with many big shows lined up in August. Naturally I would think cos its the Summer Holidays after all!

The delicious line up is as below. Now all I need is a sponsor and some company! Anyone?

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Posted in japan


Tokyo Life – Part 1

15 Jul

My “All American Breakfast” here in Tokyo (strange isn’t it?) but that’s what I usually eat for breaky and lunch (cause that’s all I know how to cook anyway haha).

My first week here hasn’t been that much fun acutally. Been really busy getting lost, settling down and trying to get my immigration stuff ironed out (which is a real pain in the ass and perhaps can be written as a thesis itself). Anyway 2 weeks just zoomed by like that. So here’s what been happening so far and a sneak peek of my place.

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Studying in Japan

08 Jul

This must be a sin! I’ve haven’t updated this space for a whole month~ I do apologise but I guess that’s not what you wanna read about. LOL. Truth is I’m back to school!

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Posted in japan


Uesugi Kenshin

08 Jun

After experimenting with Koto’s Kureha, I’ve pretty much stopped toying with my figs. I bought this poised Uesugi Kenshin from the Sengoku Rance series the moment it was released way back in April but I haven’t had the chance to photo her till now. Ought to get back to it some time.

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Kyoto – Ginkakuji (銀閣寺) Rendezvous

04 Jun

It’s been some time since I last updated my “pilgrimage”. So after the burning me eyes with the glaring Golden Temple Kinkakuji, the “Silver” one is up next. Ginkaku-ji (銀閣寺, the Temple of the Silver Pavilion) is another Buddhist temple and despite its name, it’s actually made of wood. Continue reading “Kyoto – Ginkakuji (銀閣寺) Rendezvous” »


Gyan goes Bling

01 Jun


So after they’ve tried sticking studs on fake nails, eyelashes & cool gadgets, you think they’ve got nothing else to plaster glitter on right? Wrong! These really macho machines are the latest victims! Now I know diamonds are a girl’s best friend. . . but this I think… is a little too bling and definitely on the wrong target -.-!

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Phase Impulse MG Edition

24 May

Bandai Hobby created this pretty cool site to host this awesome Phase Impulse MG Edition video to entice purchases. They’ll show you loads of cool pix and make you drool but its only download-able FOC to buyers from May 24th – August 31 2008 in Japan. But some kind soul has decided to share the wonder and thus the saying. . .”Good Things MUST Share!”

Okok I know its corny. -.-!Just Enjoy


Digital Diorama

18 May

A diorama is a model of a natural setting which shows a specific moment in time; usually an imaginative scene built using miniatures. This guy went one step further and composed some awesome Gundam Dioramas with digital art. I just find them super awesome!

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Posted in art, gundam


Kyoto – Kinkakuji (金閣寺) Rendezvous

17 May

I went to Kyoto on the 3rd day of my trip. This is the 2nd time I’ve been there actually and I think I prefer it more than Tokyo. Kyoto is ooooold – and she sweeps a sense of nostalgic ancient history through its streets. That’s what I love about it. It’s exactly a well blended mix of classic &  modern culture,just less haste & waste. Established in 794, Kyoto retains its unique position as the country’s historical and cultural heart and believe it or not, its the birthplace of the spirit and technology of traditional Japan.

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Odaiba Rendezvous

14 May

Towards the end of my trip the sky darkened and drizzled as if it knows I’ll soon stop contributing that vigorously to Japan’s economy. LOL I went to Odaiba on the very last day of my trip hoping to attend the Super Comic City convention taking place that day but as it turned out I was pulled away by the mysterious dark aura in the sky. The weather matched my mood and the air was exhilaratingly fresh, but the face of chibi statue of liberty. . . – was horribly black.

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Happy Mother’s Day

11 May

Nekoguchi wishes everybody a fabulous Mother’s Day!

Mother’s day falls on the 2nd Sunday of May for most countries. This day was decided to commemorate all mothers for well, just being a Mom! It’s not an easy “job” considering its a 24 hour, no salary, no over time pay, no annual and medical leave entitlements and definitely no mobile phone subsidy kindda job. So common, give your mom 2 hugs today!

I truly admire and appreciate mine! Just this morning she was still sweeping and mopping the floor away and like all mothers, when I extended my help, she brushed me off asking me to go get breakfast instead.

It’s my mom’s birthday today too and I’m not gonna squirm by combining 2 presents into one for her. I bought her curry and butter crabs (her favourite) instead LOL. ok so does that count as two separate gifts?

What did you get for your Mom on Mom’s day?


Posted in culture


Tokyo Tower Rendezvous

10 May

Tadaima! –

Sorry for the long wait but I’m back~ from my rendezvous in Japan! Well, not entirely back~ I think only this empty shell of a body came back. I’m quite certain I left my heart and consciousness there, together with a few strands of hair and perhaps a quarter of a million expired cells! LOL .

Okay, actually this soulless body has been back for about 5 days but because work missed me so much, I bounced back to it immediately – but only to find a mountain of crap waiting for me to clear. Yeah what a drag.

Anyway, I’m in the middle of processing all the peeks! Am starting off with the famous Tokyo Tower for this string of Rendezvous updates.

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20 Apr

OK! My “Get-up-and-go” has just “Got-up-and-went”!

I’m leaving!!!

I’ve finally creamed clobbered, minced, vaporized, kissed off, knocked off, slapped off my work to kingdom come! For 2 weeks, I will run! So then, there may not be much happening here at nekoguchi within these two weeks.

Well. . .not that there’s pretty much happening here lately because. . . all the happening’s at work! LOL. (And I’m real sorry for that) (-.-)

I escaping to somewhere where they have nicer ebi & pork burgers (hint hint ^_^)and you’ll be sure to hear of it when I’m back. Meanwhile, hang in there! *grinz*


Ice Rain

12 Apr

Stumbled upon an email with nature’s beauty attached. Indeed its the brilliant work of Mother Nature. I know its Spring now in most countries but I’ve really never set eyes on such before. I wonder how the ice actually forms! Perhaps a heavy shower then a sudden drop in temperature? It even has the patterns on the leaves. . . like a cold icy replica of the real thing. The location in the photos was said to be somewhere in South China. Needless to say one can never find such beauty from where I come from.

More pictures after the jump ->

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Posted in art


Experimenting Kotobukiya’s Kureha

08 Apr